Sex Education vs. Financial Education

September 5, 2016
By Joseph Reinke, CFA CNN recently published an article with the headline: Sex Ed. Is Required.  Why Isn't Financial Education?  We at FitBUX often times ask ourselves this same question.  However, instead of writing a long boring article on what we view as a tragedy, I want to focus on one specific fact the article points out:
Nearly half the people in this country say they don't have enough money saved to cover even a $400 emergency expense.
This is why understanding what to do during your student loan grace period is extremely important.  The decisions you make during those six months can affect you the rest of your life.  As part of our ongoing effort to help physical therapist with their money, we published an article detailing the steps to take during your student loan grace period that will put you on firm financial footing. If you have questions regarding your personal situation, visit our parent company at, sign up to be part of our beta test (it's free), and get answers.

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