Your FitBUX Expert

Help from financial experts is included with your membership.  Now you can turn financial chaos into financial peace of mind!

Steps To Speak With An Expert

Complete Your Profile

Answer questions about your finances and background such as education.  You can update this anytime to improve the precision of your plan

Get Expert Help

Schedule calls with a FitBUX Expert. They will answer your questions and help you use our technology so you can build the perfect plan.

Get The Same Coach

We don't have a call center.  Therefore, you can talk to the same person anytime you have questions.

A friend who knows a lot about money...

You have questions? Our Experts are here to provide answers. We've spoken to over 15,000 young professionals. Therefore, we've been able to make complex topics easy to understand.  

Thus, you can make good financial decisions for yourself and not have to become a financial experts.

Plus, our Experts are unbias.  They are paid salaries not commission.  Therefore, they are paid the same regardless of what you choose to do!

Help & Understanding

From student loans to saving, your FitBUX Expert helps by answering your questions.  We are also expert student loan planners plus:

Make A Plan

Once you understand your options, your FitBUX Expert will help you use our one-of-a-kind technology to build a customized financial plan.  

Your Expert will show you how to use the technology to compare scenarios such as:

  • Student loan pay off vs income drive repayment
  • Rent vs owning a house
  • Paying off student loans or investing
  • Getting married
  • and much, much more.
Help Implementing Your Plan

Finally, technology and a real person to help you implement your plan so you can focus on the rest of your life!

You can always schedule free calls with your FitBUX Expert or email them anytime you have questions.

Want To Learn More From Our Experts?
Check Out The Following...

Financial Freedom Webinar

Over 25,000 Young Professionals have learned to make money easy by joining our free webinar.

Check out episodes of our podcast for financial hacks and interviews with other young professionals.

Learn what they forgot to teach you in school with our self study finance course.

Join to speak with your FitBUX Expert!