Physical Therapy Student Loan Help

March 11, 2016
By Joseph Reinke, CFA, CEO of FitBUX We often hear that planning for retirement early is key.  However, often before we start saving we have already put our financial future in jeopardy.  This happens because the debt we take out to fund our education, cars, houses, etc...  This has been exacerbated in the recent years with the huge spike in tuition rates. David Gillette of @GeriatricPT recently published a good article providing PTs with a good place to start researching and learning about personal finance.  There is very little help out there for debt which is why our parent company, FitBUX, is a finance company that focuses on the debt portion of your finances.  We are launching an innovative product to refinance student loans which we are currently beta testing.  We will also be launching three financial recommendation and evaluation tools that are unmatched in the market.  The three tools are specifically designed for physical therapist and will do the following:
  1. For prospective and current DPT students, we are designing a technology that will show you how much debt you can use to finance your education and the affects on your financial future.
  2. If you've already graduated, we will have a tool that is customized to you that will help you determine which loans to prepay first.
  3. The last tool is designed to help you understand how much of a loan you could use to buy a home and the affect on your financial outlook.
We are excited about these tools and we hope you are too.  We will be releasing more details about them as we get closer to testing them.  In the meantime, we are looking for physical therapists to help us beta test our new technology.  Please contact us and let us know if you are interested.

DPT Student Loans

Need Help With Your Student Loans?
Be Sure To Check Out FitBUX