​​​​Protected: Physical Therapy Cost To Income School Rankings

FitBUX's Physical Therapy Cost To Income School Rankings 2017

Our Physical Therapy Cost to Income School Rankings cover 240 schools and can help you assess the financial impact of each school on your overall financial health.

Making The Most Of This Information

It is important to note that this information should not be the only item you use to choose your DPT program but instead should be used to help you develop a financial strategy that allows you to propel your career post-graduation. To make the most of this data and customize it to your situation, it is highly recommended to schedule a time with you FitBUX Coach to review your profile and these rankings. Using the debt to income ratio column, the lower the number, the better return on your investment, purely from a financial perspective. All rankings are relative to other DPT programs and only include three year programs. Two year programs have been excluded. For more information on the exclusion of these programs click here. For more information on the rankings methodology and data sources click here.  

In State Cost-To-Income Rankings


Out Of State Cost-to-Income Rankings


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