Mike Pascoe’s Why Tweet

January 2, 2016
This is a great resource not only for those who are currently in PT school, but for all of us since we’re always “students” of Physical Therapy. In Mike's Haiku Deck, he discusses the rationale to having a presence on social media, specifically Twitter, and how to get started on Twitter.  He also points out some interesting rules to follow to not make faux pas as well as his tips.  Whether you’re a SPT or a DPT, you will like these tips about Twitter if you’re looking to join. I first met Mike at the CPTA in September 2015 where he was giving a talk about social media.  Prior to his talk, I had already been following him on Twitter.  He’s a great guy to listen to if you ever get a chance to meet him in person.  Or you can follow him @mpascoe.

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