Student Loan Repayment Webinar
Learn all you need to know about:
Paying off your loans,
IDR plans
and avoiding loan servicers costly errors.
The webinar is hosted by student loan experts that have managed over $2 billion in student loans from:

The webinar is limited to 500 seats and we are almost full so sign up ASAP!
Next Webinar: June 13th!
Length: 30 minutes
If you can't make the live webinar, a replay link will be available for 4 days.

FitBUX literally changed my life-I hate that line in reviews but it’s so true.
I grew up in a low-income, financially illiterate family. I had little to no guidance or resources. As I was looking at my debt accruing while I was in school, I never thought I would get out of it. Now, I don’t worry about my student loans. I understand them and I have a plan in place.
I'm now exploring other important financial areas like retirement planning and even some initial talk of investing- which I never even thought was going to be an option because I was so blinded by my debt. I’m really thankful that I found FitBUX when I did.
Serenity Serafini
PT, DPT Class of 2019
What Is Covered In This Webinar
Pay Off Strategies
Learn how to pay off loans quickly, avoid common mistakes made by loan servicers, and whether you should refinance.
Maximizing IDR
Learn the nuts and bolts of PAYE, REPAYE, IBR, and PSLF. You'll be able to maximize your savings and avoid loan servicer mistakes.
The Bigger Picture
Learn how to choose between your options and implement your student loan repayment plan within the context of a broader financial plan.
Your Hosts

Joseph Reinke, a CFA Charter holder (CFA) and Founder of FitBUX. He's an expert in finance including student loans, mortgages, investments, credit cards, and more.
Joseph has hosted webinars for over 200 universities throughout the country and has taught over 15,000 Young Professionals how to make money complement their lives instead of dictate it.
In addition to FitBUX, Joseph serves as an adjunct professor at six universities and teaches their financial wellness curriculum.

About FitBUX
Founded in 2015, FitBUX is built for Young Professionals. The Company helps new grads manage over $2.7 billion in debt and assets on its platform.
In addition, FitBUX teaches financial wellness curriculums at universities throughout the country.