Financial Wellness And Peace Of Mind For Your Students

Make an impact to your students financial lives.

Help them plan their finances while in school, plan for post graduation, and learn about money from experts.

I looked around everywhere for a financial planning app for students and couldn't find one. I'm so grateful that FitBUX saw the need for students and created a financial planning platform for students and recent graduates. Its' awesome!

Michael Kowitz
SPT Class of 2025
University of Wisconsin La Crosse

Financial Planning Designed For Students!

One-of-a-Kind Financial Planning Platform

FitBUX's student financial planning technology is designed specifically for students. We incorporate 1,000s of data points including human capital, financial assets, and debts in order to model a student's unique earnings potential over time.

Students can build a financial plan online to map out their education funding strategy today through graduation, simulate the impact of their choices post-graduation, and compare options.

Once the plan is built, students track their progress online with real-time feedback and recommendations.

Financial Wellness And Literacy

FitBUX provides webinars and workshops on financial topics such as student loans, investments, and home buying.

If your financial aid office needs help assisting students from a financial planning standpoint, we can help with that as well! 

How It Works

Students Join FitBUX

Students build a profile and gain access to our one of a financial planning technology.

They Get Personalized Help

Your students get help from a Financial Expert to build their financial plans while in school.  

Implement and Track Their Plan

Our technology helps your students stay on track making sure they put themselves in the best situation possible.  


Below are demo videos so you can see how unique our technology is.

Building A Financial Plan: Getting Started

See how students can use our technology to plan their monthly and annual finances today through six months post-graduation.

Simulating & Comparing Different Financial Plans

This demonstration shows how students can compare everything from funding options, working or not working in school, making payments on debt while in school, etc... as well as comparing their options post graduation.

Implementing The Optimal Financial Plan

This video demonstrates how your students can track their spending and funding disbursements in real-time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you provide financial education?

Yes, we offer webinars and in person workshops.  We host two different workshops.  One for student just beginning their schooling and  the other a month or two before they graduate.


What is the cost?

We customize the offering for each program/university that we work with.  


Do students have access to financial experts?

This is up to you!  Our experts are available to all your students, we can train your financial aid department to use the technology, or a combination of both.


Do students get any benefits from FitBUX post-graduation?

Yes.  Students from programs and universities we partner with receive a 50% discount on our financial planning/wellness technology post-graduation at no added cost to the university!


Schedule A Call Today

We can customize our financial wellness benefit to fit your schools need.  Schedule a call with a FitBUX representative today.