Get Help Funding Your Education
Deciding which company to use for private student loans is difficult. However, FitBUX:
- Helps you decide which lender to use
- Answers your questions
- Makes sure the process goes smoothly
Become A Member. Schedule A Call. Get Free Help!
Become A Member
Use our free trial to become a Member of FitBUX. Your profile assists us in answering questions and helping you shop lenders.
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We've helped borrowers manage $2 billion in student loans. Schedule a call with a FitBUX Expert during your trial and its free!
Get Your Loan
We make sure everything goes smooth for you through out the process. Get ready to save a lot of money!
Help Is Here

Real People, Real Experts
Your FitBUX Expert is on your side. They are there to make sure you make a good choice and the lender does what they are supposed to do.
Our Experts are Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Charter Holder and/or have degrees in financial planning. They work for you, not the student loan company.