Amy FOCUSED and potentially has an additional $600K

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This is a story about how Amy learned to FOCUS on what mattered to her financially.

Amy was always a good student, with a 4.0 GPA and an AP scholar.  She did great in undergrad and pursued a doctorate in the medical field.

Besides her career, she really loved DIY home projects, and was super excited to finally graduate and start working so she could buy a house.  However, she was terrified because she had absolutely no clue what to do with money.  She had over $250K in student loan debt, a car loan of $500/month, and only making a $78K salary.  She was advised by well meaning people to do XYZ and ABC.  But she couldn’t qualify for a mortgage.

Finally a colleague told her about FitBUX.  Amy built a profile and developed her plan.  But the plan wasn’t want she wanted.  She was conflicted, and finally decided to schedule a call with her FitBUX Coach.  She finally learned… FOCUS is the key.

Listen in to see what it means to FOCUS.