Physical therapist student loan help is here!
Our FitBUX Experts are student loan planners. We have assisted over 25,000 PTs in managing & eliminating over $2.1 Billion in student loan debt.
Now you can get expert guidance in:
- Developing a custom student loan plan
- Student loan refinancing
- Building a holistic financial plan
Join FitBUX and schedule a call with a student loan planner today.

An Expert Student Loan Planner Is Ready To Help You!
Our FitBUX Experts are student loan planners. We have assisted over 25,000 PTs in managing & eliminating over $2.1 Billion in student loan debt.
Now you can get expert guidance in:
- Developing a custom student loan plan
- Student loan refinancing
- Building a holistic financial plan
Join FitBUX and schedule a call with a student loan planner today.

Getting Started Is Easy
Join FitBUX
This is the first step to paying off your student loans and achieving financial freedom. Your profile feeds our technology so you get accurate student loan advice.
Get Expert Help
Build a custom student loan plan by scheduling a call with a student loan expert and/or immediately begin using our technology.
Implement Your Plan
Implement your plan with our one-of-a-kind technology, and reduce your student loan anxiety. Peace of mind is awesome!

"I am excited to be involved with a company that helps my fellow PTs establish themselves financially"
- Cindy Hon, DPT, CSCS, OCS, FAAOMP. FitBUX PT Relations
Industry Leaders
SPTs/DPTs manage more than $2.0 billion of student loans on our online platform. That's more than any other financial company.
Partnered With The APTA

Guests On PT Podcasts And Blogs
FitBUX has been a guest on numerous industry podcasts and published articles on many industry-related blogs.
Actively Engaged With DPTs and SPTs
We've led numerous student loan live chats and presented at schools, SIGs, and student conclaves. Learn more here.
"FitBUX CEO, Joseph Reinke, presented at the California Student Conclave to hundreds of PT and PTA students. His talk was a hit! Discussing loans and repayment strategies should be something we all share openly”.
- Rita Pierson, Executive Associate, Education and Meetings. California Physical Therapy Association (CPTA)

But Don't Take Our Word For It...
"FitBUX provided top notch education on options and the impact on my future. They are providing a huge value."
Leor G., DPT, University Of Michigan

"FitBUX is truly the experts on student loans. I’m excited to see FitBUX grow in the next few years!"
Kendra L, DPT, University of Dayton