At FitBUX, we are building financial tools specific to physical therapist. One of these tools is a customized solution that illustrates to perspective and current SPTs the optimal amount of debt they should use to finance their education. Most importantly, it illustrates the impact of their student debt level on their future finances.
One key data point included in our technology is DPT school rankings. With this in mind, we’re building our own school rankings that are more representative of the PT School landscape from a financial/career prospective.
Our Approach
- Unlike other lists out there, our rankings are based on 12 variables, each backed by data, not subjective perceptions of certain schools by “industry experts”.
- We group these twelve variables into 3 groups:
- Career: How well the school preps their students to graduate, pass the exam, and the strength of each alumni network.
- Finances: Cost of the school relative to expected income.
- Admission requirements
How You Can Help
1) Simply answer the poll below. This poll is being used to help us determine the weights of each group of variables in our overall ranking based on your direct feedback, not some opaque logic. We will be releasing the rankings within the next two months.
2) If you’d like to further help future and aspiring PTs, sign up to beta test our finance product. You will build your profile (takes 3 – 5 minutes using estimates). We will contact you to confirm we received your profile. If you’d like we can schedule a time to discuss your personal situation.
Thank you for helping us and the physical therapy industry. In addition, thank you to each PT that has already answered the poll and signed up for our beta program…it is appreciated.
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