In this episode Alex interviews Will Butler and CEO of FitBUX Joseph Reinke about their entrepreneurial ventures and how they have managed risk and wealth in their careers. There are a number of mindset habits that Joseph and Will are applying that are creating an impact on their financial situation that you can apply now to start on your path to success.
Will and Joseph discuss the importance of maximizing the time we have to maximize the return that we get from the activities that we are engaging in. They talk about what they have given up in their lives to find the success that they have achieved. We all know that you can gain something big without giving something up to make space for the things that we actually want.
One of the quickest ways to achieve a strong financial mindset that you can do right now is to start reading more quality books. The way to keep yourself in the right mindset is to value intellect and learning instead of material possessions.
Book: Rich Dad Poor Dad
Book: The Intelligent Investor