SoFi Student Loan Refinance Review

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  • SoFi Student Loan Refinance Review
Author: Joseph Reinke, CFA

SoFi student loan refinance (actual company name is Social Finance, Inc.) was founded in 2013.ย  They stand apart from others because they were the first โ€œtechโ€ company to enter the space.ย  They are now well known because they have the biggest marketing budget of all the student loan refinance companies. ย This is why you may know themโ€ฆyouโ€™ve been bombarded by their advertisements.

In our 2024 SoFiยฎ student loan refinance review, we provide an overview of the company, pros, and cons.ย  Be sure to check out the other companies also by checking out our Best Student Loan Refinance Company review page.

As noted in our Student Loan Refinance Guide, FitBUX partners with 8 student loan refinancing companies. We have an in-depth knowledge of their underwriting guidelines and have been asked by each company not to disclose certain items. We honor their wishes by not giving out specific information such as typical rates for various FICO scores and DTI ratios. If youโ€™d like help based on your situation, I highly recommend using our free student loan refinance service in which we will help you choose the right student loan refinancing company.ย  ย 

SoFI Company Overview

SoFi is the largest student loan refinance company in the country.ย  They have great technology when it comes to checking interest rates and submitting your documentation to qualify for the loan.

  • Currently, they offer fixed and variable rate student loans that range from 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20 years. Here is an article about fixed and variable rate student loans if youโ€™d like to learn more.
  • Current fixed interest rate: 4.49% – 9.99% APR with all discounts
  • Current variable interest rate: 5.99% – 9.99% APR with all discounts
    • Loan amounts: $5k โ€“ No Limit.
  • You have to have a 650 credit score or higher (Learn one trick to increasing your credit score in this article)
  • No minimum income level is required. However, their sweet spot for refinancing is for those that have an income over $100,000


Pros of Using SoFi

Below are the pros of working with SoFi student loan refinance.

  • Competitive Rates: If you have a good credit score, six figure income, and/or a good co-signer, SoFi is extremely competitive.
  • Available in all 50 States: Its great to see that they are available to everyone.
  • Refinancing For Doctors and Dentists: Medical and dental residents as well as fellows can pay $100 a month up to four years during residency.
  • Start-to-Finish: Typically as fast as one week. This makes them the second fastest in the industry behind Earnest.
  • Note:ย There is no reason to go directly to SoFi to get a rate. Splash Financial shops multiple lenders. SoFi is one of them.ย  Therefore, going to Splash will save you a ton of time.


Cons Of Using SoFi

Below are the cons of refinancing with SoFi student loan refinance.

  • Company Attitude: This seems to be changing with new company management. As mentioned, SoFi is the largest refinance company in the country and this was evident in their attitude. In fact, their first commercial that they aired during the Super Bowl a few years back basically said in not so many words, โ€œWe are the best. Therefore, we want the best. If you arenโ€™t the best donโ€™t bother coming to us.โ€ย  They received a lot of negative feedback on social media about this.ย  However, as previously mentioned, new management seems to be changing this corporate culture.
  • Mohela Loan Servicer: This really isnโ€™t a bad thing. However, we put it as a con because some people get really mad when they find out they have to make payments to another company. The reason it isnโ€™t bad though is Mohela is the best loan servicer in the industry.
  • No Co-Signer Release: Most of the student loan refinance companies FitBUX partners with offer to release your co-signer from liability after so many months of consecutive payments. SoFi does not offer this option.


Student Loan Refinance Company Reviews By FitBUX

Lendkey Student Loan Refinance Review

Splash Financial Student Loan Refinance Review

Earnest Student Loan Refinance Review

Laurel Road Student Loan Refinance Review

Our student loan experts have helped thousands of Young Professionals manage and eliminate over $2 billion in student loans. We help you develop your plan for free because planning your financial future should not cost you your financial future.

Joseph Reinke, CFA

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About the Author

Joseph Reinke is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Charter Holder and founder of FitBUX which has helped over 14,000 young professionals on their journey to financial freedom. Joseph has been personally investing since he was 12 years old.

In addition, he has experience in student loans, mortgages, wealth management, investment banking, valuation, stock trading, and option trading. He has been on 100s of podcast and has been invited to 100s of universities to discuss financial planning with their soon to be graduates.

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